Tuesday, September 15, 2009

my niece is waving

wan had called me early this morning mentioned that my sister-in-law was admitted to the hospital due to the contraction. by this time she had already 3cm open. hopefully everything going to be ok seems this is her first time deliver a baby. last year she miscarriaged and also in the same time as now.

after scanning several times, dr did mentioned that it is a gurl. so, all the preparations are positively gurly. my sister-in-law went to 3d-scan. they can saw the face, body, etc through the scan. she said the baby is so 'tembam' wit 'bulat' face. everyday, my bro called her as 'baby tembam'.

if the baby come out as a gurl, she will be known as WAN AIMY QISTINA BINTI WAN AMIRUDDIN. meaning 'keberkatan' and i forgot the other one. but if a boy, i don't know.:-)

do pray for my sister-in-law. chaiyok2, k'su!!!

(family potrait: the one in blue baju kurung is my sister-in-law)

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