Monday, September 28, 2009


haizzzz. lots, lots, lots, lots, n lots of probs with WGY6719. it's all coz of high temperature. now, i am blogging at workshop in mahsing. actually, we had already our way to jb but my father refused to continue our journey as the temperature went higher. we 'patah balik' to the workshop n i have to burn my class this evening at 4. what to do? nothing to do. lots of work need to finish before the due date. aiyokkkkkkkkk.:-(

Friday, September 25, 2009

Wan Aimy Qistina

olaaa. i jz want to share the pics of my sweetiest, cutiest, n luvly niece - wan aimy qistina. i like to 'kacau2' her while she's sleeping. she can smile already wit her 'lesung pipit' at her right side. soooo cute.:-)

Friday, September 18, 2009

blk kampung oooo blk kampung

yehaaa. my waiting has come to an end. today i'm going to blk kg. to see little aimy of course. it must be traffic jam all the way to east coast. but, never mind. everybody are going to celebrate hari raya wit their family at kg. i'm thinking what time we would arrive at home. mayb 12 hours journey? anything can happened during festive season. hopefully, we will have a safe journey. aminnn...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

16th september 2009 - memorable

i jz break the fast wit honeydew n bandung cincau only. it's kind of sad ending for today's fasting. my class ended at 6. i was waiting for the bus +/- 30 min. no one at fppsm. i was so worried. i decided to walk n walk n walk to take a cab. luckily the bus arrived at fab. i was running towards the bus. many students were already going back to their kampung. i went to the cafe to buy food. unfortunately, there were nothing at that time. oh my goodness!!! what am i going to eat after fasting for the whole day??? i jz bought honeydew n bandung cincau. i hope my tummy is capable enough to 'tahan' the hunger. this is my first time ever breaking without having heavy food.

ok. that's the bad news. come to the happiest n good news!!! my sister-in-law had already delivered a baby gurl at 5.30pm today. auntie su was soooooooo happy n almost cried. we will celebrate this raya wit new member in our family. can't wait to see the 'bulat' face. my mamita said her hair is curly. baby mimi, wait for auntie su n ayah this saturday, k.:-)

'cinta ada'

i luv this song very much. by jac, sheila majid and karen kong - cinta ada. the lyrics is soooooo meaningful.

"Ya Allah, sekiranya dia adalah jodohku, maka mudahkanlah urusanku dengannya. Namun sekiranya dia bukan jodohku, jauhkan dia daripadaku, dan berikanlah aku kekuatan serta keikhlasan bagi

menerima apa jua ketetapanMu. Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Mengetahui segala yang terbaik untukku."


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

my niece is waving

wan had called me early this morning mentioned that my sister-in-law was admitted to the hospital due to the contraction. by this time she had already 3cm open. hopefully everything going to be ok seems this is her first time deliver a baby. last year she miscarriaged and also in the same time as now.

after scanning several times, dr did mentioned that it is a gurl. so, all the preparations are positively gurly. my sister-in-law went to 3d-scan. they can saw the face, body, etc through the scan. she said the baby is so 'tembam' wit 'bulat' face. everyday, my bro called her as 'baby tembam'.

if the baby come out as a gurl, she will be known as WAN AIMY QISTINA BINTI WAN AMIRUDDIN. meaning 'keberkatan' and i forgot the other one. but if a boy, i don't know.:-)

do pray for my sister-in-law. chaiyok2, k'su!!!

(family potrait: the one in blue baju kurung is my sister-in-law)

hari raya mood

olaa..well this is my first time creating a blog. so excited to share wit u guys. today already 26 of ramadhan. means that only 4 days left to celebrate hari raya. this hari raya really meant to me throuhgout my life. the biggest,happiest n excited news is my fmily is expecting a baby in our house - 1st baby to my bro n sis, 1st grandchild to my mamita n wan, 1st niece to auntie su (that's me). all starting wit 1st. truly can't wait for that moment.

instead of that, me as myself is far away from home. alwiz wants to go home, fasting at home, breaking wit delicious meals, have a gosip wit my mamita, etc. i will only make a homecoming a day before hari raya wit my 1 n only bro. so sad. coz there is a class on friday from 4-6 pm. "dr fatin, do pity for us". but, never mind. i've already get her permission to leave a class early. yahooooo.

i got 1 not so bad news - my hari raya clothing. my mamita didn't sew it yet. suppose i have 2 clothings. but mayb i jz can have 1 only. sob, sob, sob. my mamita is very bz sewing other's clothing. "mamita, i want that glamourous hari raya clothing".

till then. will continue on next other time. MAY GOD BLESS US. chios!!!